L’édito de Novembre
Le programme Horizon Europe rapproche encore éthique et intégrité scientifique Lors du colloque ENRIO des référents à l’intégrité scientifique qui s’est tenu à Paris en septembre dernier, Isidoros Karatzas, responsable...
The European-Code-of-Conduct for Research Integrity
To come… ...
The Inserm College of Deontology (CDDI) The Inserm College of Deontology (ICD) was set up in 2021. It coordinates a three-pronged mission : Deontology referee Secularity referee Whistleblower referee Absolute...
Towards more sustainable research
Ethical reflection
The work and achievements of the Inserm Ethics Committee Notes and press releases Following referrals, or in relation to topical issues, the committee produces analyses in the form of notes...
Scientific integrity
RIO services in practice Advice Working systematically on a confidential basis, the RIO can advise you on how to react to difficulties regarding relationships or methodologies that you feel may...
Ethics The “Ethics” dimension of LORIER concerns the structures that deal with research ethics and professional integrity at Inserm: ethical reflection with the Ethics Committee (CEI), ethical evaluation of research...
The Steering committee of the programme defines strategic guidelines and supports programme implementation The AVENIR Council proposes specific guidelines and lines of action for young scientist trainees at the start...
Posters for your laboratory
These posters are designed to encourage discussion about situations frequently encountered in the laboratory. Advice on how to take simple action, resources and contacts are provided. Une recherche intègre et...