
The lorier.inserm.fr website is edited by the National Institute of health and medical research (Inserm) a public scientific and technological establishment.

SIREN 180036048 / SIRET 18003604800015

101, rue de Tolbiac

75654 Paris cedex 13

Contact : lorier@inserm.fr

Publishing director : Didier SAMUEL, Chief Executive Officer at Inserm

Publishing assitant co-director :Philippe RAVAUD, Ghislaine FILLIATREAU, LORIER project managers


The website’s hosting is insured by Inserm.

Inserm’s Information System Department


101 rue de Tolbiac – 75013 Paris – France

Design and production

mlcom : http://www.mlcom.fr

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L’Inserm s’efforce d’assurer au mieux de ses possibilités, l’exactitude et la mise à jour des informations diffusées, au moment de leur mise en ligne sur le site. However, Inserm in no way guarantees the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on the site. The information on this site is non-contractual and may be modified at any time.

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Privacy policy

For information on the management of personal data, please consult the privacy policy at the bottom of each page of the site.

Updated on 20/02/2024.
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