Quality in research is underpinned by the desire to guarantee good scientific practice, in particular by fostering a culture of strict methodologies and responsibility, which ensures the reliability of the results obtained, reinforces the confidence of peers in the work that has been carried out, and promotes acceptance of the proposed results (cf. https://pro.inserm.fr).

Quality reinforces all aspects of reliability, at different levels :

  • reliability of the initial hypothesis,
  • reliability of the measurement instrument,
  • reliability of the interpretation of results,
  • and, finally, the overall reliability of the research conducted.

At Inserm, the Inserm Quality Network (réseau Inserm qualité : RIQ) can provide you with tools to guarantee the reliability of your research.

The Inserm Quality Network was set up in 2009 and now has 120 members across France, gathering people from a wide range of professions, working in a variety of structures : research laboratories, service units, platforms, clinical investigation centers (CICs), administrative departments (regional delegations), etc.

Catherine Chevalier, coordinator of quality mission at Inserm

Joining the network

To join the RIQ, you need a minimum of 30 hours’ specific training in ISO9001 quality management, which can be provided in-house by network instructors via the Inserm Pôle National de Formation of DRH, or externally by specialized training organizations. The initial 36-hour training course offered by Inserm is accompanied by a personalized tutored project to set up a quality management system adapted to a particular structure. The existence of this network enables quality managers to help each other, acquire knowledge and promote the quality approach by developing tools for the overall scientific community.

Activities proposed
for network members :

Theme-based meetings

Occurring annually with an external speaker : seminars, workshops ; e.g. in 2021 : cross-functional management / the positioning of the quality manager ; in 2022 : open science.

Working groups (WG)

Approximately 5-6/year, each composed of around ten network members working on selected themes with production of deliverables for the scientific community. Examples of WGs in 2021-2022 : quality of life in animal facilities (publication in STAAL), quality tools to guarantee scientific integrity (sub-groups: posters, NEO, work on the electronic laboratory notebook, etc).

In-house training

One session per year lasting 2 days ; for example, in 2021 : reactivating a paused quality system ; in 2022 : giving meaning to your quality approach.

Regular webinars

Sharing experiences (administrative departments, CICs, research laboratories, platforms, etc.), or inviting specialists on a particular topic which can be requested by network members (e.g. data management).

In 2022, reflection was conducted aiming to determine how a quality approach can take into account issues linked to the ecological transition, climate change, sustainable development and societal responsibility. Working groups and webinars will be offered to RIQ members.

In addition to deliverables, the network offers an internal audit service. A team of specially trained RIQ auditors offers on-site visits to carry out initial audits (preparation for or follow-up to ISO 9001 certification) in all Inserm structures (platforms, CICs, departments or research units, administrative departments, etc).

Updated on 19/03/2025.

Contacting the RIQ

Coordinator of the mission, network and audit team : Catherine.Chevalier@inserm.fr

