Quality in research is underpinned by the desire to guarantee good scientific practice, in particular by fostering a culture of strict methodologies and responsibility, which ensures the reliability of the results obtained, reinforces the confidence of peers in the work that has been carried out, and promotes acceptance of the proposed results (cf. https://pro.inserm.fr).
Quality reinforces all aspects of reliability, at different levels :
- reliability of the initial hypothesis,
- reliability of the measurement instrument,
- reliability of the interpretation of results,
- and, finally, the overall reliability of the research conducted.
At Inserm, the Inserm Quality Network (réseau Inserm qualité : RIQ) can provide you with tools to guarantee the reliability of your research.
The Inserm Quality Network was set up in 2009 and now has 120 members across France, gathering people from a wide range of professions, working in a variety of structures : research laboratories, service units, platforms, clinical investigation centers (CICs), administrative departments (regional delegations), etc.
Catherine Chevalier, coordinator of quality mission at Inserm
Le MOOC Qualité en Recherche : intégrer une culture qualité dans son quotidien
La prise en compte des enjeux découlant des changements climatiques dans les normes de management de la qualité
Un guide pour la norme ISO 9001 : quoi ? comment ? qui ? pourquoi ? quand ?
Mettre en place une démarche qualité selon ISO 9001 ? Mission impossible ?
Contacting the RIQ
Coordinator of the mission, network and audit team : Catherine.Chevalier@inserm.fr