The Rendez-vous LORIER are held remotely every 2nd Tuesday of the month (except July and August) from 11am to 12pm.

Each webinar deals with a theme related to the LORIER programme. Speakers shed light on practices, methods and tools that promote more ethical and responsible research.

These presentations are intended for staff from research teams and back-up departments. In addition to these meetings, various resources (training, contacts, events) are offered.

All Rendez-vous LORIER are recorded and can be accessed below in the section “Reviewing the past Rendez-vous LORIER” and on the “Webinars” page.

David Vaudry


Do you have a question, or would you like to propose a communication ?

Don’t hesitate to contact us at :

The next Rendez-vous LORIER

The upcoming Rendez-vous LORIER

No webinar at the moment...

Reviewing the past Rendez-vous LORIER