The Inserm Ethics Review Committee, Inserm REC (CEEI-IRB)
Taking the ethical dimension into account is an integral part of the research process.
The Inserm Ethics Review Committee (CEEI-IRB) is a research ethics committee (REC) as defined by the Council of Europe. It is registered with the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) of the United States Department of Health, and is therefore an Institutional Review Board. The CEEI-IRB is administratively attached to Inserm’s General Management, but is independent in its organisation and decision-making.
The CEEI-IRB is a REC which essentially issues opinions on research projects which do not come under the provisions of the French Biomedical Research Act (RIPH), but which require – because funding structures require it and because international journals make it an imperative condition – an opinion from an internationally recognized research ethics committee. Set up by Inserm in the early 2000s and accredited by the OHRP, which issues the IRB number, the CEEI-IRB (IRB00003888) is an independent committee at the service of researchers. With its multidisciplinary membership, it is approved for examination of research in health and behavioural sciences.
The committee advises research teams, sometimes well in advance of their project submission if necessary, on the ethical and regulatory aspects they face in implementing their project. The interaction of project leaders with the committee enhances the ethical dimension of their project and, as a result, improves the quality of organisation and implementation of the research. To find out more : why submit a project to a REC for its opinion.
Christine Dosquet, Chair
USA : suppression du genre par décret et conséquences pour la recherche

Pour en savoir plus sur l’évaluation éthique des projets de recherche
La CNIL a lancé une concertation pour faire évoluer les référentiels santé
La croissance du nombre des auteurs extrêmement prolifiques et leur influence en recherche
How to contact the Committee ?
Contact CEEI-IRB :